Frequently asked questions

What are your visiting times?

We have open visiting at Coxwell, all we ask is that you sign in at reception for fire purposes you may stay as long and come as often as you like.

Can we take our relative out?

Yes of course as long as their condition allows and we have some prior notice that’s fine.

Is it possible to join our relative for lunch?

Yes we have many families that join their relatives for lunch; we can also set up a table in a private area if you let us know in advance of a special date such as a wedding anniversary.

Can we bring in pictures?

Yes we like you to personalise the rooms as much as possible all we ask is that you do not bring in things of great value.

Do you cater for couples?

Yes we do as long as they both fulfil the criteria of our registration. We have looked after many married couples over the years both in double and single rooms.

Do you have a garden the residents can use?

Yes we have beautiful secure grounds that are a haven to local wildlife which our residents and families are able to enjoy.

What are the fees?

Fees are based upon an individual’s care needs and can only be calculated once a comprehensive pre-admission assessment has been carried out.